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- Fresh green artichoke
Fresh green artichoke
نشر بتاريخ 2020-01-13 8:00 AM
-AL-shams company for general import and export, is pleased to provide you with all agricultural crops with high quality and competitive prices -We are also pleased to offer you Fresh green artichoke product with the following specification : Fresh green artichoke Varities : French and Baladi ( Domestic ) Sizes Baladi : 220 : 270 gm French : 120 : 250 gm Packing Carton that has 10 : 12 pices Plastic box that has 30 pices I hope our offer meet your satisfaction For more information please contact me Best regards Mrs.Dina Eshmawy Sales dep Tel: 0020402544299 Cell(viber&whats-app) 00201062346397