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نشر بتاريخ 2020-07-07 5:33 PM
(WHOLESALE ONLY) Oskar is our two-directions, single wing, optic, motor turnstile model, it has been designed for stylish buildings such as plazas. A passage corridor can be formed with 2 pieces of (270 S ), and also multiple (270 D ) can be placed between the two (270 S ) so there is a possibility of forming an infinite corridor. The (270 S ) is not only the most stylish turnstile model you can find in the market but also it can operate for long years indoors and outdoors. It has a stylish and modern appearance with the help of ASI 304 stainless steel, and it can be installed very easily by the installation kit hidden in the case. the (270 S ) almost decorates your place with its modern line and aesthetical structure, also it provides really stylish solution possibility for greeting and organizing the visitors, keeping them under control and as records.